Friday, December 19, 2008

My Favorite part of the day

My favorite part of the day is in the morning, this picture is why I stay home.

First Haircut

Lexi got a bob for her first haircut!

Landon's Birthday

Landon wanted a cowboy birthday this year. Everyone dressed up like cowboys, we roped a cow and practiced our aim at a target with a water gun. Happy 3rd birthday!


Some pics of Halloween...Alexi was actually a flower, and Landon later changed to a spiderman and Braden was Darth Vader.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We have been SO busy! I have just finished up working full time from Mike's office, still doing a little work at home. We have officially kicked off our blankets & bears drive, see our other blogpage at . Landon turns three this Saturday and then Thanksgiving, Braden's birthday and then Christmas. So no plans of slowing down anytime soon. We have a new cousin, Daneen had Meredith this weekend, just one day after Tori & Bubba (Luke's groomsmen) had his baby Landry. Luke purchased a set of drums (not sure if he is bragging about it) but he is learning to play the drums. Braden is taking guitar lessons. Luke has been working hard every day and then going to do some real hard labor working till late with some area farmers trying to get harvest done and helping with some extra cash for Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving if I don't see you before then! Sorry can't find my camera or I would have some pics.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our Little Running Back

Braden is in flag football. So far he has had 2 games and has made the first touchdown at both games, he also has caught a pass, pretty impressive for flag football. He only has two games left...they are at the Panhandle Football Stadium unless noted.

Monday, 9/29 @ 6:30 pm in White Deer
Staurday 10/4 10:00 am
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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday!

Thanks so much for everyone who came to Alexia's 1st ballerina birthday! She loves all her new clothes and dolls! We went to the doctor yesterday and she weighs 18 pounds and is 29 inches tall, she is tall and skinny for her age...every woman's dream!
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Newly Weds

Luke and I went to eat and to the movies for our anniversary tonight. The lady at the checkout said, "Congrads on your engagement!" I told her thanks but it was actually our anniversary....8 years baby and to think we still look like newly weds....just thought that was funny!

Friday, July 04, 2008

More 4th Pics

Happy 4th of July!

Braden is in boyscouts this year, so he marched in the parade in full uniform and then led the town in the pledge of allegiance at the courthouse. Landon really enjoyed cathing candy...we now have a good supply to help with our rewards for potty training. Alexia just bathed in the sun. Happy 4th Everyone!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Chimney Rock Ruins

We went on another hike in Pagosa, this one was to indian ruins called Chimney Rock. It was pretty interesting. I guess we did so much walking on this trip that Alexia thought she was ready to walk. She took her first steps at Pagosa!

Hot Springs

The most famous thing about Pagosa is the hot springs...we went of course. The water ranged from about 100 to 114 degrees. The springs were like hot tubs, you can see it the left corner of the spring is a little black hole, and that is where the hot water came from. The bridge we were standing on was across a large pond area and the water was probably 90 to 100 degrees in the large pond, it also had gold fish in it!

Miniature Golf

We stayed at a beautiful resort at Pagosa thanks to Randy. It had an indoor swimming pool with a large workout area...I even did step aerobics early one morning. Our backyard to our room was a putting green to the golf course with a pond. They also had a miniature golf course on site.

Treasure Falls

We hiked up a 400 meter hike with all 3 of our kids! We went and saw a 1,000 feet tall waterfall called Treasure Falls just outside of Pagosa, the kids loved it.

Chama Railroad

We went to New Mexico for three days to ride motorcycles in the mountains and camp in our Hobbi. Luke, Braden & Landon caught one fish from the stream by our campsite, they had to bring it all the way to camp to show me so I would believe them and then take it back down to the stream. Then we headed up to Pagosa Springs to meet the Durst family for another three days of vacation. On the way to Pagosa we stopped at Chama and looked at their railroad.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

At the Zoo

Braden's Baseball Hits

Mud Bath

Pee Wee Track Meet