Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We have been SO busy! I have just finished up working full time from Mike's office, still doing a little work at home. We have officially kicked off our blankets & bears drive, see our other blogpage at . Landon turns three this Saturday and then Thanksgiving, Braden's birthday and then Christmas. So no plans of slowing down anytime soon. We have a new cousin, Daneen had Meredith this weekend, just one day after Tori & Bubba (Luke's groomsmen) had his baby Landry. Luke purchased a set of drums (not sure if he is bragging about it) but he is learning to play the drums. Braden is taking guitar lessons. Luke has been working hard every day and then going to do some real hard labor working till late with some area farmers trying to get harvest done and helping with some extra cash for Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving if I don't see you before then! Sorry can't find my camera or I would have some pics.