Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Braden's Baptism

Christmas Living Manager

Braden was one of the wise men (far right in blue) and Landon was a shepherd (far left in dark blue headdress). Lexi sat it out this year. After the nativity Santa passed out gifts, Lexi would NOT sit with santa so her picture is her with her present santa gave her...all her bling!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Always check the over before you Preheat

A few weeks ago I turned the oven on to preheat before I put the pizza in, it smelled funny and a little bit of smoke was coming out of the top. Lexi had put 2 of her dolls neatly on the oven rack and a pumpkin cany holder. They were all a little black on the bottoms so we all learned a valuable lesson of checking the oven before turning it on.

Happy Halloween

Pumpkin Patch & Corn Maze

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

End of summer getaway...

The weekend before school started our neighbors invited us to a quick getaway to Roman Nose Resort in Oklahoma. We both took our RVs and each of our 3 kids to play all weekend, swim, explore natural springs, hike, bike and paddle boat. It was beautiful, the Bible talks a lot about natural springs and to see it in real life is pretty neat. Luke & Mike got to play golf one afternoon without any kids while the kids went swimming at a pool with tube slides.

Luke's First Day of Work

Just kidding he works hard all the time....but just last week he came home and looked like a total stranger. He said he had his head in the engine of a train all day and yes it did wash off.

Braden's 1st Day of Third Grade

Braden got Mrs. Ewing for his 3rd grade teacher. He changes classes for the first time this year and in a brand new school (Panhandle built a beautiful new school).

Friday, August 14, 2009

Locks of Love

I cut off 11 inches of my hair for locks of love just 3 days after we renewed our vows. It is super short in the back. Landon keeps asking when I am going to get my hair back. Let me know if you want my hairdresser's number, she did my hair for the renewal too.

Luke & Tori Renewal

Luke & I renewed our vows on our 9th anniversary.

Alexia's 2nd Birthday

Before the party I managed to clean up throw up from the car, Landon managed to get Lexi's new bike out of the car, tip over all the cupcakes, and then it stormed at our Party in the Park, so we went to Mimi's house. It was a rough day, at one point I was thinking about going back to work seriously, but the rest of the week has been much better.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Fourth of July

Braden rode on the Kung Fu Panda float in the 4th of July parade that won overall float with his karate team. Braden just started karate at the end of April and just got his orange belt! Landon rode his bike in the parade and Lexi caught candy with daddy. Luke & I were asked to be in charge of the Frog Race. We thought it wouldn't be too hard until about 50 frogs showed up to race! Happy 4th!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lakehouse Vacation

Luke & I were offered a lakehouse at Lake Tanglewood last week. We took Braden out of class Thursday and Friday and had our little summer vacation just resting by the lake. We rode bikes up the hills and flew down them, the kids loved all the deers, ducks and geese.

Braden broke a board in half!

Braden just started karate and already broke a board in half. He is still a white belt but tommorrow he tries out for his stripes by kicks and blocks to see if he can earn his next belt.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Marriage Retreat

Luke & I just back from a four day marriage retreat last week. Here are some pics.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Erick, OK Races

We went to our 1st enduro race of the year in March at Erick, OK. Luke's grandparents Clyde & Holly came and Randy & my mom and Mike. Landon raced his 4 wheeler for the 1st time and got 2nd place, Braden took home 1st place trophy and Luke of course got 1st place. He did so well this time he could have placed if he raced in the Amateurs right below the pros!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Photo Shoot...Look at Landon's Glasses

Landon got glasses about 2 weeks ago, we really were just taking Braden to check his and they said to bring any other siblings 3 or older. Turns out Braden is great...they surprised me with giving Landon the glasses. He has a condition called lazy eye and we go back in June to see how well the glasses are working. If not so well we will have to wear a patch on his good eye to get the lazy one back to working. He looks so cute though...like the boy in Stuart Little some say!