Tuesday, September 01, 2009

End of summer getaway...

The weekend before school started our neighbors invited us to a quick getaway to Roman Nose Resort in Oklahoma. We both took our RVs and each of our 3 kids to play all weekend, swim, explore natural springs, hike, bike and paddle boat. It was beautiful, the Bible talks a lot about natural springs and to see it in real life is pretty neat. Luke & Mike got to play golf one afternoon without any kids while the kids went swimming at a pool with tube slides.

Luke's First Day of Work

Just kidding he works hard all the time....but just last week he came home and looked like a total stranger. He said he had his head in the engine of a train all day and yes it did wash off.

Braden's 1st Day of Third Grade

Braden got Mrs. Ewing for his 3rd grade teacher. He changes classes for the first time this year and in a brand new school (Panhandle built a beautiful new school).